Non-invasive procedure to breed cattle, swine and does to superior bulls, boars and bucks using frozen semen (fresh chilled in the case of swine)
A complete bull breeding soundness exam is quite possibly the most effective management tool that a producer can implement to increase pregnancy rates and produce more calves faster.
A complete bull breeding soundness exam is quite possibly the most effective management tool that a producer can implement to increase pregnancy rates and produce more calves faster.
Restrains animals safely and humanely with broad girth and flank straps andlays them on their side, allowing foot restraint to perform thorough exams, treat hoof problems such as abscesses, and do both corrective and cosmetic trimming effectively and safely
parasite screening, blood testing, vaccinations, trace mineral screening, Non-invasive exam of feces to determine if animal has a parasite burden, Fecal Egg Reduction count
Non-invasive procedure utilizing sound waves to visualize and examinethe reproductive tract of cattle, swine, sheep and goats to determine pregnancy, fertility status and fetal viability, gender and number (only at certain stages of pregnancy).
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
American Embryo Transfer association
International Embryo Transfer Society
The Drost Project– This is a really good site dealing with many aspects of animal reproduction.
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Central Virginia Cattlemans Association
Virginia Beef Industry Council
National Cattlemans Beef association
National Milk Producers Federation
Dr. Comyn owns some high quality genetic Holstein cows that he is currently performing Embryo Flush and Transfers on. Dr. Comyn has high quality embryos for sale from these flushes. He sometimes has high genetic heifers for sale. Please email [email protected] or call (540) 829-3625 if interested.